Monday 13 February 2012

Personal Jesus

This week in class we learned that no matter how faithful a retelling of a gospel story was it was still nothing more than a Whose Jesus - metaphorical popular language.  Something as faithful as retelling a gospel story is an interpretation.  There is no literal telling, you make a fundamental category error believing this.   The idea that everyone has their own Jesus really makes you wonder who is Jesus.  Just looking at the two modes of Christic representation demonstrates that large figures such as Obama (saviour mode) to people like war heros (redeemer mode) can be  interpreted as Jesus.  It really made me look back on previous weeks on subjects such as Justin Bieber and Kanye West and see them not as people just delivering a message but people representing Christ figures.  Especially when the professor gave us the 25 characteristics of Christ figures, that truly convinced me that Christ figures can be found everywhere.  My personal favourite item on that list was "the initials JC."  At first I thought this would be a rare occurrence but sure enough it can be found quite often.  John Connor, James Coffey, and James Cole just to name a few.  Surely this is no coincidence.  Personally, I like to see how deep Christianity penetrates popular culture.  To me it means that even though sometimes it may be hard to find, there are positive messages and themes integrated into our favourite shows.

In response to, 

I really liked your idea that women were rarely portrayed as someones personal Jesus and instead were given destructive roles.  It doesn't just end with Eve though.  Jezebel, Salome, Delilah, and Herodias, just to name a few, are examples of numerous women who represent women as negative rolemodels.    Your analysis of Eve, however, I feel is the most important because she establishes women as inferior to men in creation and in social roles.  I know there are a lot of negative male roles in the Bible however, women in general are seen as negative not only because of their actions but also because of their bodies, which can be seen in Leviticus which describes women as physically inferior because of their bodily functions, making them impure in the eyes of God.  I really enjoyed your perspective and it made me really think about why women rarely take on the role of a personal Jesus. Thank you.

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