Forgive me for posting so late, I'm sure everyone's been busy considering its nearing the end of the year. I wanted to talk about the hate Justin Bieber got a couple weeks ago for his music video "Pray". I honestly thought it was a really good message, most of the problems people had I felt were problems they created. The whole self promotion thing was a non-issue. He obviously has to make an appearance in his video and the video is about helping those in need and the power of prayer. It wouldn't make sense if the video had included Justin doing anything else really. It's not like he was giving you a big, condescending bullshit motivational speech, expecting
you to back flip out of bed and charge into the world. Justin Bieber gets too much hate, for proof just look at the Rotten Tomatoes page for his movie. He got a 1.5 out of 10. That's lower then Adam Sandler's Jack and Jill. I saw both movie's and let me tell you Never Say Never is not only better, its phenomenal and inspiring.
Pure cinematic gold.
Not only did the music video have a great message, but it was a great way to deliver the message to kids and get them to become more aware of issues. Focusing on all the problems in the world and how long it will take to see a visual difference makes it easy, especially for children, to keep putting it off or giving up all together. However, Justin shows a world full of people with good intentions, helping in whatever way they can. Even if its just at a local level, visiting a hospital and donating some time. When you're finished helping and you look back at what you've accomplished, these people can see the difference they've made, instead of thinking the world is too big a place for them to help.
If you think this is negative, you sincerely need to seek help.
For all the criticism Justin got for visiting sick children in hospitals (I can't believe I just typed that) keep in mind one of the symptoms of success is that more and more
people demand your time. Justin has reached a point where no matter what he does it's documented and I genuinely think he does a lot of charity out of the goodness of his heart. He just happens to be photographed no matter what he's doing. And besides, even if it was self promotion, its a great way for kids to visually see how they themselves can make a difference. Every criticism people had about this video was so insignificant and as people kept criticizing the video it snowballed to the point where no one really wanted to counter that mountain of cynicism. But be honest with yourself, if this video was made by anyone else other then Justin Bieber would it have received anywhere near this amount of hate? I felt just his presence distorted your perception of
the video in the first place, and after that it's incredibly easy to get buried
under the thousand little things that would otherwise mean
nothing to you. This video had such potential but in the end it's message was wasted on a bunch of cynical students.
Haters gunna hate players gunna play
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