Friday 23 March 2012

Is Rick Grimes from "The Walking Dead" a Christ Figure?

Thanks to Prof Harris, I've been hooked on The Walking Dead.  I literally havent been able to stop watching it.  I've come to admire the main character Rick who for those of you who don't watch the show is the sheriffs deputy and the main character of the show.  I believe that he represents a Christ figure, and I think this is an important characteristic of the show, clarifying the relationship between monsters and humans.
soooo good

The first thing that caught my attention was his blue eyes.  The digital colour correction used in the show emphasized this trait and I wondered if this was possibly done for a reason.  I went back to my notes for the lecture where this was discussed and the number of traits that match up are astounding.  He is an outsider who had a decisive death(or perceived death) and resurrection.  His simplicity is striking and characterized by innocence.  When he was found by the black man and his son (I can't remember their names at the moment) he was tied to a bad, roughly in the form of a crucifix.  He has demonstrated mu;tiple times he is willing to sacrifice himself, and although I haven't seen the show enough to verify this (I just finished episode 5) I believe Shane may represent his betrayer associate.  Furthermore, his service to lesser others, symbolized by his role as a police officer, and accentuated when he executed the suffering bisected zombie crawling through the park, only after apologizing that this happened to her.

Not to mention the sexually identified female

The reason I felt that this Jesus figure was important was because while the monsters are broken beings striving for redemption, I felt that the presence of Rick symbolized that no matter how damaged we are, Christ can save us.  The people in the show fear becoming like the zombies and follow the Christ figure, allowing them to adhere to their humanity.  Everyone in the show has their own failings and shortcomings, such as racism or anger, but these flaws are purged by the presence of zombies.  Our own society has become zombified in a sense, we've lost various aspects of our morality, whether it's by buying clothes made by third world children or ignoring the devastation we've inflicted on our environment.  However, the ethical narrative of the show depicts that despite these dire circumstances we are able to regain our humanity.  These metaphorical monsters reflect the good in ourselves despite our shortcomings and one way we can retain our humanity is by following Jesus.  Even if we have fallen to the depravity of modern society we are still human and can avoid the pressure to adhere to corrupt standards, no matter how pervasive they are in our society.  After all, in the show the whole world has fallen to the zombie apocalypse.  I'm not sure if I'm just grasping at straws here but either way I love the show.  I'm looking forward to see where it goes so if you choose to respond please try to avoid spoilers.

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